ABC – Associated Builders and Contractors Inc.
Founded in 1950, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) is a national association with 79 chapters representing 25,000 merit shop construction and construction-related firms with two million employees. ABC’s membership represents all specialties within the U.S. construction industry and is comprised primarily of firms that perform work in the industrial and commercial sectors of the industry.
Today, ABC is recognized as one of the leading organizations representing America’s business community and the U.S. construction industry. Belfast Valley Contractors is proud to be a member of the following ABC Chapters.
Current Chapters:
ABC Greater Baltimore
ABC Metro Washington
ABC Greater Baltimore
Associated Builders and Contractors of Greater Baltimore is the largest organization in Maryland to represent the commercial construction industry. Our 650 members represent the leading general contractors and specialty contractors in the region.
ABC Metro Washington
Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) is a national construction industry trade association representing more than 21,000 members nationwide. ABC of Metro Washington was the second chapter in the nation, chartered in 1958, and ranks in the top 10 chapters nationwide.
To protect and enhance the merit shop philosophy within the construction industry, to advocate for the industry, promote member excellence in safety, and to engage members to succeed in a changing marketplace.
ABC of Metro Washington is the pre-eminent advocate for fair and open competition and the merit shop philosophy, and the premiere construction association in the metropolitan Washington, DC area.
ABC values the free-market system as the basic premise of economic freedom.
ABC believes in open and fair competition.
ABC values a commitment to continually strive to attain the highest standards of performance in business and construction.
ABC believes in strength in diversity and inclusiveness.
ABC values personal and corporate integrity and trust.
ABC values industry and personal professionalism.
ABC values good corporate citizenship.
ABC values lifelong learning and a commitment to developing the future and current workforces.
ABC values good stewardship and fiscal responsibility in the leadership and management of the association.
Perpetuate and defend the free enterprise system and the merit shop philosophy by participating in the democratic process.
Deliver programs and services that have a direct, positive and measurable effect on our members’ prosperity.
Promote business development by providing members with networking opportunities.
Promote craft and management training of employees.
Effectively communicate the services and benefits of membership, and encourage member participation and involvement in the association.
Promote for mutual benefit majority, women and minority members.
Improve industry practices.
Improve where we live and work through our members’ active community service.
ABC CraftMasters Training Trust
ABC CraftMasters Training Trust offers apprenticeship and construction craft training in 12 trades. The academy’s apprenticeship training programs are fully approved and accredited by the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER), Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council, District of Columbia Apprenticeship and Training Council, U.S. Department of Labor, and U.S. Veterans Administration. Course curriculums are the standardized “Contren Learning Series” (formerly known as “Wheels of Learning”), which includes classroom instruction and hands-on lab experience. Classes are taught by certified instructors who are experienced professionals in their trade.
American Concrete Institute
The American Concrete Institute (ACI) is a nonprofit technical and educational society organized in 1904 and is one of the world’s leading authorities on concrete technology. ACI is a forum for the discussion of all matters related to concrete and the development of solutions to problems. ACI conducts this forum through conventions and meetings; the ACI Structural Journal, the ACI Materials Journal, Concrete International, and technical publications; chapter activities; and technical committee work. As its chartered objective states, its purpose is “to provide a comradeship in finding the best ways to do concrete work of all kinds and in spreading that knowledge.
American Concrete Pumping Association
The American Concrete Pumping Association mission is to promote, expand, and improve the concrete pumping industry through progressive leadership, education, communication, and advocacy establishing concrete pumping as the preferred method of placing concrete.
Building Congress & Exchange
The Building Congress & Exchange of Metropolitan, Baltimore, Inc., with approximately 350 member firms, serves as a meeting ground for Architects, Engineers, General Contractors, Subcontractors and support businesses. Our mission is to foster interaction among these disciplines by encouraging the exchange of ideas and information for the overall improvement of our industry. We are also active in the education of and service to members and to the community. In pursuing this mission, the “BC&E” provides one of the best business networking opportunities in the region.
ASCC – The Only Concrete Organization By and For Cast-in Place Concrete Contractors
Founded in 1964 and headquartered in St. Louis, Mo., the American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC) is a non-profit association developed by concrete contractors for concrete contractors to provide a unified voice for the industry.
Since its beginnings, the ASCC has grown to represent approximately 750 companies worldwide, providing unmatched support for industry knowledge, best practices and recognition. Members of the ASCC represent concrete and general contracting firms, manufacturers, suppliers, designers and other concrete industry professionals both in the field and in the office.
This powerful organization remains committed to helping concrete contractors improve their businesses and their roles as contractors by providing the tools to grow business and provide the highest quality product.
Washington Building Congress
The Washington Building Congress is a non-political association dedicated to building relationships with and among our members, encouraging collaboration on best practices, and working together to advance our industry.
Our 1,000+ members represent diverse cross section of the building industry, including: property owners and managers, developers, general contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, realtors, architects, engineers, government officials, public utilities, accountants, manufacturer’s representatives, bankers, lawyers, bonding agents, labor unions, trade associations, consultants and virtually any other type of business with an interest in the industry.
We have reciprocal relationships with other local and national building industry organizations and encourage our members to engage with those that offer resources for the pursuit and advancement of the high standards of work to which our members subscribe.
WBC is committed to supporting and sustaining the communities in which our members live and work. WBC maintains active and on-going community outreach initiatives and encourages continued member participation.